
Working with Parker, Cap, and the Blueview team has been a great experience for Snow & Jones.  Parker’s understanding of our region, what viewers want to see, and delivering the final product in a relatable demeanor makes the show a fantastic partner.  Our clients love the show and seeing our content in conjunction with their work.  Their production of our YouTube video ads has increased traffic and added an extra professional touch, which is another great value of our partnership.

Danielle Jones  VP Business Development, Snow and Jones, inc.


“Hi Parker,

What an amazing team you, Cap and the guys are! You put the O’Donnell’s at ease from the moment you stepped in. Such a special talent to be able to do that. It was a very long day for you and your team, but we so appreciate that we have everything filmed (and ended up having great weather!)

We all enjoyed working with you and are looking forward to seeing the finished show. It was so wonderful to meet you. Looking forward to catching up very soon.”

Donna Tefft, Pinehills LLC


“What an amazing day and evening yesterday! You and your crew were wonderful all so professional and all have the gift of making the homeowner feel comfortable. and made the entire process a pleasure for us. Everyone had a great time and what a treat to have TJ making us special cocktails and teaching us about wine and Dave preparing an amazing meal and discussing how he works. So much fun! Really just an amazing experience from start to finish.


Susans Cracraft, CKBD


“Parker, I had a blast working with you!


— Gavin, Food Minded Fellow


“Parker and Cap,

Thank you so much for the opportunity to feature our Martha’s Vineyard Vacation Home on your upcoming show. It was such a pleasure to open our home and lives to you all. What a wonderful experience!! We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and look forward to exciting episodes of your new projects.

All the best,”

Calvin and April



I just wanted to send you a little gift to thank you for a great experience. It really took me outside of my comfort zone, yet I have zero regrets about doing it. In fact, I’m so glad I did it. It certainly takes someone special to do what you do and your ability to put people at ease is a gift. Your entire crew could not have been sweeter. Please give the fellas my best with an extra smooch for Cap. Again, thank you for a spectacular experience.


Caitlin and Peter


“Parker and Cap,

The smiles on our family’s faces on Thursday were priceless and we can’t thank you all enough for making them feel so very special. All 3 days were special for Lisa and me, an experience made more real and comfortable because of who you two are…and Jimmie too (our best!!) Thank you so much for that because we were nervous and you took that fear away. Watching Evan and Parker in our kitchen filming and cooking and laughing and educating…Lisa and I pinched ourselves to make sure we were awake, so much fun. We are so blessed. Icing on the cake was of course your generous gift. Above and Beyond. Thank you. I’m pretty certain that picture will never be moved! Our experience with you you all was more than we ever expected so for the last time Thank you both. Enjoy your summer. Good luck with your next adventure. Our door is always open if you need a place. Love love love always.”

Mark and Lisa


“Dear Parker,

What fun we had!! I wanted to let you know the dinner party and meeting you and your crew was such a huge highlight of my summer. I loved it. We had so much fun – honestly one of the best dinner party’s I have ever had! Thank you so much for bringing together such an awesome moment in my life. You are such a special person I am so grateful to have been able to spend a little time with you – I am looking forward to our walk and painting day! I think what you bring to this world is incredible. You are so inspiring to me – You have created your own life where you can share your gifts with others and bring such joy and excitement to the people you meet.




“Hi Parker! Love following you on Insta!” 

 — Paula Daher, Interior Designer


“This is absolutely amazing. Thank you for this gift. Parker, you did such an incredible job showcasing the beauty of my community and home. I felt so comfortable talking about my life and what drew me to Maine. The way you weaved in the artists and vendors really showcased their talents, gifts and what makes York, Maine so special. Thank you for including us in your wonderful show.”

— Kara Dioguardi (Homeowner, Former American Idol Judge/Singer/Songwriter)


“Parker, it has been such a joy and so much fun working with you and the crew. You made the process exciting and put us at great ease. We are so excited to see the outcome and we thank you for such a great opportunity. Also the chef and the food were extraordinary. What a fabulous party!!! Love ❤ u”

— Catherine and Dani (Homeowners and Interior Designers)


"Parker, We loved seeing the show yesterday and had to send you a note.  We enjoy our house, location and neighborhood, and you did such a great job capturing and presenting it.  It was enlightening to see all the work that goes in to a show to create a beautiful experience for your audience.  You and your crew were such a pleasure for us all to work with. Thanks again for such a fun experience and a show we will share with many in the future.  Please let us know if we can be a reference for you or if a potential homeowner would just want to talk about the experience before they commit. We hope you will come back some time to just "hangout", to get the extended experience of our life on the water!”


— Sam & Norma (Homeowners)


“It was a lovely episode. Thank you. It was a lot of fun. I know you said it takes a day or two…I’d love to share it, any idea when it will be on your website?”

— Ida Faber, Vice President of Marketing for Legal Sea Foods


“Just a note to say that my wife and I watched the show and we thought it came out excellent! Custom home designers like me believe that it’s not just about the house but the lifestyle and how they to choose to live. The way the show combined local attractions with a chef and the casual “talk with your friends” approach is exactly how a designer like myself wants their client to see their design work play out. The show parallels my own marketing philosophy in that the house is just a piece of the puzzle that enables my client to live and host the way they wish. Before we even met, Parker explained the process in detail and how the shoot would unfold over the days that it took. Her level of explanation was perfect as many of these custom homeowners care about details (which is why they often choose to customize their own house). Parker’s explanations of the process and the program gave me enough knowledge to answer all of the owner’s questions without my having to go back and forth with Parker. This gave my clients the reassurance they needed to be comfortable with themselves and their home being filmed. All of the services that Parker provided were top-notch. She was easy to talk to and her crew was very professional and relaxed  - making it easy for the novice. Having never been filmed before, I was a bit nervous but Parker coached me and made the whole experience quite enjoyable. Bravo!"

— Travis Kinney, Owner/Architect Gulf Shore Designs


"Hi Parker! The show came out great! Thanks for including us!"

— Chef Sue, Pisces Restaurant


“I really love the show and the format. I think a lot of people will follow it. I love how you incorporate mini stories within the big story of the home- so engaging and fun to 'feel' the home with the mini-experiences you create. I can't wait to see the next episode!”

— Heather McGrath, Designer


“I love this!!! I am so excited for your show! I know exactly where this home is and this is such a treat to be able to see inside and get the history behind it. And that grill!!! Amazing!!! Along with those steaks! You will be so successful with this show. I'm already hooked!!"

— Robyn


"OMG! I have been a half hour behind all day because I had to see it right away!!! It was great and lots of people texting me that they have watched. So weird to watch yourself on TV. But you and the editors made us look great. AND Middletown never looked so good. Only downside, I am craving nettle and burrata cheese. Larry and I joked that instead of giving house tours we can play the show for new guests.” 

— Kim and Larry Ingenieri (Homeowners)


"You did a great job. Can’t wait to see them all."

— Architect David Andreozzi 


"Enjoyed the show today Parker! 👍❤ Such fun! I loved the introduction/information about the town of Bristol & the museum. Made me want to come visit here if I didn't already live here. The nautical theme throughout the show was a nice tie in between community, homeowner & house design. One friend of mine commented he never knew the house was designed with an 'old boat' feel in mind. I think David will be happy with the interview. I know it's difficult to edit down all of the material. The show had a good balance of community, home, local activities/sights/ specialty shop, cooking & entertaining. I also enjoyed the spliced in sailing footage 😄 nice work!” 

— Maria Milot (Homeowner)


“Hey Parker, the show was great! Can't thank you enough for having us on the show.  Looking forward to it going up on YouTube for all my idiot friends that didn't wake up in time haha!”

— John Tabor, Executive Chef, Glass Onion


“Saw it! It was great!”

— Steve Corry, owner of 555


“Hi Parker, just wanted to thank you for a fun experience for our family. You are a true professional and did an amazing job with everybody. Can't believe you even jumped in to do dishes! Love it!!!! Best of luck with your future season. Hope it takes off so we can see you all one day in Asia!”

— Lori McConaghy (homeowner)


“Hi Parker, I watched the episode on Sunday and loved seeing so many familiar places! I'm glad you got to experience the Seaport and the Boston Design Center. Could you let me know when the episode will be posted on YouTube? The folks at Jamestown/BDC would like to share it once it's up.


— Molly, Senior Account Executive at Ink House)


“I was thrilled that Parker chose to highlight my firm's work. She was a pleasure to work with and her whole team was fun and professional. The process was well planned and my client and I were both pleased with the episode. I hope we get an opportunity to work with Parker again in the future!”

— Douglass VanderHorn, Architects


“Thank you so much! They loved you! We were all talking about how well you do your hosting!! So professional, and personable. Howard wishes he was here for the Wednesday filming. Ha! Thanks again for everything!”

— Cecile Curtin, (homeowner)


 “Hi Parker, What an awesome show! I’ve seen your IG posts and now it all makes sense :) I hope you had a great weekend!”

— Ryan Ranahan, Marketing Manager, Atlas Travel and Technology Group


“Good morning, no worries! We are sharing and have all our local friends recording it. We have been watching all the previous shows and LOVE THEM. You are doing an amazing job!”

— Calvin Butts


“Hello!! Great speaking with you! The show is fantastic, we would love to be a part of it. So excited!”

— Angela Raynor, The Pearl


“Hello Parker! have been watching all your shows and love them!!!!!  😊 So honored and excited to be a part of you show! I will send you more pictures once the reno is completed in a few weeks. Thank you again and I am so looking forward to doing the show with you! I am just thrilled about it and so is my family. Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.

Kind regards,

— Wendy Callahan, Interior Designer


“Hey Parker K, Loved the show — And it definitely gave us a spike in inquiries and web traffic Sun-Tue. Thanks so much.”

— Mike Ciolino, PR, Longfellow Design Build


“Parker, Great Show! AND, Jill and Paal, what a beautiful place you have built!!! Thanks for the DBMS plugs :)”


— Chuck Leonard, President, Duxbury Bay Maritime School


“Hi Parker - Happy spring? Watching your show right now. It is really great. Love it! Talk with you soon…”

Sean Papich, Landscape Architect


“We just watched it online! You did a beautiful job capturing everything. We are truly in awe and grateful for having this opportunity! We would love to have a link to show our friends at a BBQ tomorrow. Thank you so much for everything. My best to Cap!! Miss y’all.”

— Calvin Butts, Homeowner


“What a wonderful job you do! Your voiceovers and descriptions are always right on target to capture each thing so accurately, a real talent among all others. And Cap just gets everything! I was surprised at how many people said they were going to watch from just reading the post. I will post again, with the link when it’s on your site. Thank you again for getting it in the mix! You always have a vineyard place to stay when you need to get away or work. ❤️ ❤️”

— Cathy Waithers, Homeowner / Personal Chef


“Host Parker Kelley delivers Home, Life & Style with an abundance of heart and integrity. We’re thrilled to be a part of such a high quality show as our partnership continues into 2020.”

— Mark Bogosian, Owner of Longfellow Design Build


“Since Ethan Allen has a long history in New England and nearly 20 locations in the region, we jumped at the chance to be a sponsor of Home, Life & Style. Working with Parker, Cap and the BlueView Productions team to film the design tips was a fabulous experience. Parker was amazing with our teams, patient, kind and gracious. She and Cap had an easy and natural way of bringing the best out of our talented designers. It was a creative and organic experience for everyone involved and truly turned into a wonderful partnership we will value for years. It was such a great season and so fun to watch!”

— Meghan Roberts, Ethan Allen’s Northeast Region Managing Director